Getting there...

Business card for ABC Animals 2016
Business card for ABC Animals 2016





上は、そんな素晴らしい、目に見えない方々の力を味方にして、サンプル代わりに作った名刺!ABC Animalsをもうすぐ、もうすぐ、世に出しますよ!Aのアルパカちゃん、棚澤英恵プロデュースのアイドル(アニマル)グループのセンターとして、これからバリバリ活躍してもらう予定。笑 よろしくお願いしますね!




I've been working more with my PC than with my papers and scissors now, and as I do graphic designs with Illustrator and make easy printing orders through a new system, I am in awe of such anonymous, numerous, hardworking geniuses who made such inventions possible… Thanks to them, more things are possible fore a little creator like me, and I think it's a great advantage to live in this age.


Being filled with such gratitude, this is one of the things I made recently, a business card to introduce my ABC Animals to the world! Soon I will be able to make some announcements, so please stay tuned still…!


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