
おととい久々の仕事を終えて、その夜は寝たいだけ寝ようと決め込んだところ、まさかの13時間寝・・・こんなに長く寝られたなんて、まだ若い(!?)なんて勘違いしながらも、これで時差ぼけリセット!と思いきや、今度は夜が全く寝られない・・・。本でも読もうと、スイスの余韻に浸りながら2回目のチャップリン自叙伝"My Autobiography"を読み始めたのはいいけど、気がつけば朝の7時・・・。あぁ、完全に時差ぼけ継続中・・・。そして夕方4時過ぎまで寝てしまうという失態。明日からの仕事が本当に怖い。




Though I was in Switzerland only for three days in this trip, there was a lot to learn from this country and the people. My friend, Sayuki and her mother (who joined my Swiss part of the trip!) and I were greatly inspired by how the Swiss people are so matured in their behaviors, in the way of talking and in their working attitudes, and how even children and dogs can behave so well! I know there's a lot other aspects that I'll find if I stay longer, but there was something definitely different from other countries I've ever visited (about 16 as I remember), and for that reason it became the most impressive country so far. 


I came to this country because there was Mr. Al Krauer, a retiree whom I came to know in Reno, America when I lived there as a collage student. He was always so willing to help other people, and assisted many international (especially us, Japanese) students by taking us to grocery shoppings, inviting us for dinner and calling for care, etc. Anytime I asked, he made himself available and good at never making me feel guilty of asking too much, by saying that it's his joy to help others and he meant it. Always having good sense of humor and even when I wasn't happy, he didn't ask too much but cheered me up with good food and good jokes. I was always amazed at his attitude and made me wonder how he can be that way, and it naturally made me want to be a person like him (though still a far-away goal!). 


By coming to Switzerland, I kind of knew why he's that way, because he's a Swiss! Though I know that's a parcial thing, I felt there was something in common in many Swiss people, that they are a lot more relaxed, sophisticated, well-educated, respectful to others, enjoying life, etc… I really want to know about this country better...


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